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My name is Kara Ann but most of you know me as Cntrycagal from facebook, forums or the tagging community! I am a 42yr old SAHM to my almost 5 yr old son, Justice. We share our life with my best friend, lover and partner who has put up with me for the past 11 yrs. I do pride myself in being a copyright compliant designer and love to create tags, siggies and avatars. I would like to branch out & learn to make scrap kits so check back often as you never know what I'll post next!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rainbow Fairy Tutorial

This is my first tutorial so please bear with me and feel free to leave feedback or comments so I can learn for future tutorials I write! Enjoy

For this tutorial, you’ll need a working knowledge of PSP.

I’m using PSP X2 but any version should work.

This tutorial is my own and any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.

Supplies for this tutorial:
PSP (any version)
Template #35 by Kristin at Toxic Desirez
Tube of your choice.

Tube of choice:  I'm using the cute work of Cris DeLara, who used to be with CILM. Do not use her art without a valid license.

Let’s begin!
1)  Open template & delete copyright layer.
2) Image/Canvas Size to 575 x 575 (you can crop later if needed)
3) Flood fill background layer with white
4)Highlight half circle #1 layer. Select all/float/defloat. Add new raster layer and flood fill red (e21216).
Select none & delete the original half circle #1 layer.
5) Repeat step 4 for all half circle layers using the following colors (pls note that template maker have layers 4 & 5 turned around so you'll have to adjust for that if you want your colors to appear in order):
half circle #2 orange (ff7f00)
half circle #3 yellow (ffff00)
half circle #4 green (00ff00)
half circle #5 blue (0000ff)
half circle #6 indigo (6600ff)
half circle #7 violet (8b00ff)
6) Merge down all layers of the rainbow so they are one layer. Optional: You can make it appear like sample above by adding noise as follows: Adjust/Add Remove Noise/Add Noise. I did my settings at 55% with gaussian and monochrome ticked.)
7) Highlight sun layer. Select all/float/defloat. Add new raster layer and flood fill yellow (f7f61e). 
Select none & delete the original sun layer.
8) Add tube of your choice & resize/position to your liking. 
(If you are using the same tube as I did, I resize by 65% & mirrored.)

9) Add drop shadow to clouds, sun & rainbow of 2, 2, 50, 5
Add drop shadow to tube of 1,1, 40, 4

9) Add name & copyright information. Crop or not; your choice.


tasha said...

Great tut!

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