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My name is Kara Ann but most of you know me as Cntrycagal from facebook, forums or the tagging community! I am a 42yr old SAHM to my almost 5 yr old son, Justice. We share our life with my best friend, lover and partner who has put up with me for the past 11 yrs. I do pride myself in being a copyright compliant designer and love to create tags, siggies and avatars. I would like to branch out & learn to make scrap kits so check back often as you never know what I'll post next!
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"Egg-stra Special" Tutorial

This tutorial is my own and any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.

Supplies for this tutorial:
PSP (any version)
Scrap kit of choice (I'm using the fabulous PTU "Eggcellent Adventure" by Crys @ Creative Scraps by Crys)
Tube of your choice (I'm using the work of Edward Reed who was at CILM but his work can now be purchased at PTE...do not use without proper license)
Word Art by Kathy Winters Design (scroll down page to locate freebie download link)
Photo: FTU stock photo here or your own image

Let’s begin (save often)
1)  Open a new canvas: 650 x 650 (you can crop/resize later)
2) Open frame 2 from kit. Copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 65% and image/free rotate10 to left. Move frame slightly to the left side of canvas (see my tag for placement)
3) Open photo as new layer. Image/free rotate 10 to left and move layer below the frame layer. Then carefully use your eraser to remove excess photo edges so none is sticking out from under frame. Merge down to make frame & photo one layer for easy moving if necessary.
4) Open ribbon 6 from kit. Resize by 70% and image/free rotate 10 to left. Place at bottom of frame.
5) Open basket from kit. Copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 40%. Move to right of frame (see my tag for placement).
6) Open various colored eggs from kit. Copy/paste as new layers. Resize each egg layer by 10% and place these above the basket layer. The amt of eggs & placement is personal choice so do what looks good to you.
7) Activate your freehand selection tool (also known as your lasso) and set it to point to point with 0 feather and anti-alias checked. Then carefully trace around bottom and right edge to basket so we can remove parts of the eggs that overlap. This will make the eggs appear they are sitting in the basket. Once you have completed the trace, simply make sure you have the egg layer highlighted and tap delete key on your keyboard for each egg you placed in the basket. You may want to merge down all egg layers & basket in case you have to move this later .
8) Open your tube as new layer. Resize and place to the right side of frame above the basket layer.
9) Open word art as new layer. Resize by 15% and place to your likeing based upon tube used.
10) Add name (I used LaineDaySH font; size 65) and proper copyright info.
11) Crop to your liking!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I would love to see anything you created from it so please feel free to email me!


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